Fitness - It's All About You

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No matter how politically correct we'd like to be the fact is that obesity is becoming a huge problem, not just in this country, but all over the world. People tend to be quite lazy when it comes to our everyday lives, we usually choose the easiest and fastest way to do things. Unfortunately this includes eating and training as well.

Fortunately there are some very simple and easy things we can all start doing to bring an end to this epidemic and this doesn't mean we have to start training like we are aiming for the next Olympics. These are quite common sense things and very easy to implement.

Change - Who Wants That? It's So Hard...

Many times when we read about fitness and making healthy choices we see instructions that turn our lives upside down. We should join a health club, eat only certain foods and spend hours either working out or jogging. It's no wonder that people get frustrated and decide that no way they can change their lives so dramatically. And even if they try to do it, it gets too complicated and they get back to the old routine and after that it takes ages to even start thinking about changing even some small habits. It is a vicious cycle and there's a whole industry that keeps feeding this way of thinking to society.

When you really think about it, things doesn't have to change dramatically at all. The way to a better health is very simple; just eat a bit better, exercise just a bit more and in general make better choices in your lifestyle. All this won't change you overnight, but it all adds up and the change is certain over time. You can make it fun, economical and the end result is that you feel and look much better.

Do You Mean I Have To Start Eating Like A Rabbit?

This is a global question that usually men tend to ask. Simple answer is that no, you are not turning into a rabbit. You can and should enjoy the food you are eating. It is very important that eating is enjoyable as well as healthy. One thing that you need to do is eat less. Perhaps eat more often. That doesn't mean that you go to your frigde every few hours, but rather eat some light and healthy food bit more often and you won't feel so hungry all the time. This raises your metabolism and it helps you get over that hungry feeling.

Keep Drinking Enough Water

Water is very important to our bodies and you should drink around eight to ten glasses of water everyday. One trick you might want to try is drinking a glass of water before each meal as that will fill you up a bit and you won't feel so hungry.

To sum all up; eat smaller portions and bit more often and consume enough water and after a while you will feel better and start losing weight as well.

Do I Need To Start Exercising Like An Athlete?

No, but exercise is very important. However, it doesn't have to feel like a chore and a pain in the backside. Start implementing small things into your daily life; walk a little everyday and increase that amount over time. Skip the elevator and take the stairs. But not too much, just what feels right. Then increase the amount daily. Take evening walks with your friend or partner; it's great for your health and for your spirits as well.

Every little bit counts so don't underestimate small steps you are taking. After few weeks you will feel stronger. As you can see everything starts with one step. Eat a little better, move a bit more and everything starts to change. Yes, it will take time so don't expect miracles. That's only for infomercials and movie stars.

Small results keep your motivation up and after a while people will start wondering what has happened to you as you start looking and feeling better. Just keep going and don't give up!

Nick Southby has written articles for over 5 years on several sites and publications. Check his newest website at [] which assist people find the best golf putting mats [] and information they are looking for golf putting aids.

5 Things That Make A Fitness Sound System Different From An Ordinary PA System or Home Stereo

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It's no big surprise that so many fitness centers and exercise classes start with using a less-than-ideal sound system. After all, it's supposed to be about fitness-not listening to music-right? Well, in reality, this just isn't the case at all. A fitness audio system has a rather hefty set of standards to meet in any kind of high performance environment...much more than just playing some background tunes.

With this in mind, here are the 5 things that make a fitness sound system different from an ordinary PA system (or home stereo):

1. Simplicity

While it might sound more complicated at first, the fact of the matter is that fitness audio sys are designed to provide exactly what an exercise class instructor needs. It starts with the brains of the system-a mixer with 2 wireless mic inputs and about 3 individual music channels to handle inputs from a CD player, portable music player, or other source device. From there, it's all about having the correct amplifier (whether built-in or external) and professional speakers that are perfectly sized for the environment. It's really as simple as that; there's no need for complex features like reverb that are found on PA systems designed for bands and other more complicated jobs.

2. Group Ex Sound Clarity

A home theater system provides the ideal in-home movie watching experience; a dance club sound system is designed and tuned to provide club-shaking bass and volume. But the demands placed on a fitness audio sys go above and beyond-with group ex sound, it's vital to have excellent performance both when it comes to playing great sounding music and having crystal-clear wireless mic clarity so the instructor can be heard by all. Quality fitness sound systems are custom designed to provide balance...the best of both worlds.

3. Ease Of Use

A fitness instructor is usually much more interested in doing what it is they do best-instructing the fitness class-not running a 96-track audio system capable of running a world-class concert hall. Ideal fitness mixers will feature one easy to use master on/off switch, very simple sound adjustments and controls (without hundreds of knobs and sliders that no one understands), and an all around self intuitive method of running the system. In other words, it should just make sense to the person operating the sound system-no more, no less.

4. Durability

Home stereo systems and low-grade PA systems just aren't up for the challenge that everyday use in a professional environment requires. And of course, a high-performance fitness sound environment also presents its own unique set of challenges-things like extreme sweat and the potential for high impact that wireless microphones and other equipment must be specially designed to handle with ease. It's also important to note that delicate home theater or stereo speakers are very easily damaged when used with wireless microphones that produce unpredictably high volume levels during regular use, especially with accidental feedback. Durability is an essential component in a quality fitness audio system.

5. Support

It's important to have a sound system that comes with complete technical support and advice, both before and after the purchase. Because there is more to a pro-grade fitness sound system than using a boom box off the shelf, it's always important to have someone who you can call and get quick, expert advice from people that actually know and understand your unique circumstances. This is something only a fitness sound specialist can adequately provide on this level.

So while many fitness centers and exercise instructors begin by using a home stereo system or an ordinary everyday PA system, the truth of the matter is that it doesn't take long at all to realize the importance of graduating to a true fitness sound system that's been professionally designed for the unique circumstances required. 'A genuine fitness sound system really does make all of the difference in the world-why not take your fitness center or exercise class to the next level soon?

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How To Start Your Golf Fitness Career

By Sid Johnson :

Golf fitness career, unlike any other professional, office or white collar work jobs, gives you more satisfaction and fulfillment. You need not have to be stressed for daily meetings, be still up late to finish your presentation or attend a business conference.

Here you could make more money by a combined golf and fitness training. Here you could see your clients improve and grow every day with you. Here you could start earning money with the job that you most love.

To help you get started with your golf fitness career and raise your income scale to the highest level, here are some ways to let you get your perfect swing from golf clubs to riches.

To begin with, you need to have experience and a wide range of knowledge in golf. It is not enough to know the basics or to have a well-built body and strong muscular physique. Golfers do not need someone who would wrestle them or even intimidate them with their muscles. One must still study the very skills of good golf. Besides, you could never really be an expert if you only know the basics. There are a lot of training programs which could help you grow from an amateur to a real specialist. Start a lot of research and read many available online articles, e-zines or e-books about golf fitness, which others could be acquired for free.

Next you will need to learn all you can about fitness especially sports fitness. You are advised to get yourself certified as a fitness trainer from one of the recognized bodies or institutions. Many universities now offer courses in sports fitness and exercise.

Once you get to know the techniques and skills used in better golf playing, you should be able to look, act and talk like a professional personal trainers. These are big clients you are going to handle and not just some college students. Look confident about what you are saying. If you would look unsure even on what you are teaching, it would be possible that you would be crossed out on the spot. Take note that they are paying for your services and they would not spend their money on a personal golf trainer who would not be worth it at all.

Be seen everywhere. It is not ENOUGH to just be known in a small circle of your town. Start catering on other cities and towns near you. This way you could get a lot of opportunity to gain more experience. How could you achieve this? What else but through online marketing and creating your very own website. Usually, this is not a very easy and fast process and does not guarantee you an immediate work especially if you would be the author of your site.

You should also consider offering your services for free for a short period of time just to gain experience and to develop your clientele. Many persons starting out with their career in golf fitness do not consider this but it can be very effective.

For more information on a golf fitness career [], visit the golf fitness trainers [] site.

The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution - What's it All About?

By C Doug Mah ;

If you're like me, you have a hectic schedule with your vocation, your household duties, and your family life but you want to stay in shape or get in shape physically. Who has time to go to they gym 3 to 5 times a week or even workout at home. Who has the energy? If that sounds like you, I think you will find this article about Slow Burn interesting.

This article is essentially an overview of the book "The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution - The Slow-Motion Exercise That Will Change Your Body In 30 Minutes A Week" which was written by Frederick Hahn, Michael R. Eades, M.D., and Mary Dan Eades, M.D. who are, respectively, a professional exercise trainer, and two pioneers in the field of metabolic medicine.

What is Slow Burn?

Like the subtitle of the book says, the Slow Burn fitness regime involves working out once a week for 30 minutes in total. The goal of the program is to quickly and efficiently build your strength without injury and without the risks that accompany most other exercise and fitness activities.

How Does Slow Burn Work?

Strength training improves you strength but it also helps your metabolic health of your muscles as well as the rest of your body. Your muscular system is the largest system in your body and it contains the largest network of blood vessels (your vascular system) in your body. Improving muscle health improves vascular health.

Your muscle mass is the largest factor in determining the rate that calories, in the form of sugar and fat, your body burns for fuel. More muscle means faster burning of calories, even at rest.

But as we age, the body loses muscle mass. This occurs slowly at first but faster as we grow older - up to 40% of our muscle mass. As a result, we lose strength, we grow proportionately fatter, and we burn calories at a slower rate. To slow and reverse this process we need to partake in a proper strength training program. As I mentioned previously, not only will this improve your strength, it will also improve your vascular system, lower your fat, increase your calorie burning, and improve the functioning of the other organs in your body.

The Slow Burn program is different from other weight training programs in that it involves slow movements, low repetitions, and complete fatigue of the muscles in a short period of time.

There are four different types of muscle fibers: slow-twitch fibers (the smallest), two types of intermediate-twitch fibers (slightly larger and faster), and fast-twitch fibers (the biggest and fastest). These different types of muscle fibers have different roles in the body. The big fast-twitch fibers are designed for situations that require explosive power of short duration. The slower fibers are more for endurance. We all have some of each fiber type in our muscles and the ratios (based on our genetics) vary by type of muscle and from person to person.

Following the Slow Burn method, all the different muscle fibers will be strengthened. In traditional weight training, the slow-twitch fibers respond first to the exercise and then fatigued first. Then the intermediate-twitch fibers respond and fatigue. Only at the extreme do the large fast-twitch fibers come into play. They normally don't get exercised enough to improve in strength, size, and metabolic health. To get at these muscle fibers quickly and effectively, use the Slow Burn method.

The Slow Burn technique is designed to quickly bring about deep fatigue of all muscle fibers, small and big. The key is to perform each exercise with slow, precise movements in perfect form with weight heavy enough to take the muscle to total fatigue in just a few repetitions. Total fatigue is the point where the muscle cannot move the weight anymore no matter what. At that point, the muscle fibers send out hormonal signals that stimulate growth, increase strength, and improve metabolic function so that the muscles will be able to meet future demands. Continued repetition of this technique quickly builds muscle strength, muscle mass, power, and quickness.

A typical Slow Burn workout of a specific muscle group will take sixty to ninety seconds to perfectly perform a single set of three to six repetitions. With each rep, you will take three seconds to initiate the motion, then lift and lower the weight precisely and slowly. You should select a weight that for the first second or two it feels like the weight isn't going to move. Breathe steadily and push slowly and steadily focusing on the motion. If you can lift the weight slowly with good form for at least sixty seconds to ninety seconds, that is about right. The proper weight allows for three to six slow repetitions within sixty to ninety seconds before failure occurs. Your goal is to completely fatigue the muscle, meaning the muscle has reached the point of deep and total fatigue where you can no longer lift the weight and still maintain perfect form.

You should spend a couple of minutes on each exercise with a minute in between as you shift to the next exercise. You should get through the entire workout in less than half an hour.

How Can Slow Burn Benefit You?

These are some of the benefits of the Slow Burn method:

o Greater muscle strength gains in a shorter period of time.

o Shorter workouts save you time.

o Slow motions easier on your joints, muscles, and ligaments lessening chance of injury.

o Increased muscle mass increases metabolic rate which increases calorie burning.

o Fat loss.

o Strengthen bones and reduced chance of osteoporosis.

o Improved circulation, blood sugar levels, and better response to insulin which improves blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides.

So I hope you found this overview of "The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution - The Slow-Motion Exercise That Will Change Your Body In 30 Minutes A Week" by Frederick Hahn, Michael R. Eades, M.D., and Mary Dan Eades, M.D. useful. I haven't gone into the actual exercises and the program as well as the dietary guides as they are extensive. There are a number of books out there that describe similar programs but I feel that this is one of the better ones. It explains everything in a way that anyone can understand and the exercises can be done at home or the gym and don't necessarily require specialized equipment. If this sounds interesting to you, go check out the book.

Frederick Hahn's website is at where you can kind find extensive additional resources. You can purchase the Slow Burn Fitness Revolution book or read additional reviews here.

C Doug Mah is a business entrepreneur in the Health & Wellness and Anti-Aging industries. If you are interested in exclusive products in health & wellness [] or anti-aging or interested in starting up a business in this area please contact Doug.

Fitness - What Does It Really Mean?

By Scotie Keithlow :

Physical fitness refers to the ability to function as healthy human beings with energy and alertness in all daily activities. There are many places to learn about fitness, but the most common resources are easily found and can be used by anyone.

These resources include libraries, the Internet, a physical fitness instructor, or a health teacher. Libraries contain vast amounts of information about health in general and physical fitness in particular. Libraries have medical journals, magazines, and many books that can inform people about the ways to become fit and to maintain their fitness levels. Information sources can provide information about the physical and psychological benefits of being fit, as well as the benefits for a person's self-esteem and emotions. Libraries also may offer an opportunity to obtain audio and video materials that can provide the same types of information as magazines or books. Libraries also give low-income people a chance to see fitness materials that they may not readily have.

The Internet represents an excellent source of information about physical fitness. It is like a combination of many articles, books, libraries, and information from other people. If a search is performed on the word 'fitness' using one of the popular search engines on the Internet, a list of many, many resources will be returned. Search engines generally provide their lists in terms of the relevance of the material to the initial questions, so users should keep that in mind and ask relevant questions. With any search engine, the first few pages will provide the most useful links to information about the topic. Using a search engine, individuals can find information about local fitness centers and instructors in their area who offer specialized, one-to-one fitness training programs.

Local schools are also good sources of information. A school's physical education instructors and health teachers represent valuable sources of fitness information. They understand and are educated about the major issues related to physical fitness. Their expertise can help individuals find other reliable sources of fitness data. Many articles that are found may not always be totally accurate, so having the ability to ask teachers and health instructors specific questions is very useful to those interested in pursuing a physical fitness routine.

Additionally, the federal government publishes lots of information about fitness issues in the United States from a variety of perspectives. The United States Department of Agriculture, which is responsible for setting the daily recommended allowances of various vitamins and other food substances for human consumption, collects and provides information about fitness alternatives, the status of fitness in the country, and how well Americans participate in fitness programs.

The local fitness center also has considerable information to share about the subject of physical fitness. These centers may provide posted information or current magazines that address the most current fitness questions. The centers often let people observe fitness programs in action as well.

To find information about taking care of your body and the true meaning of fitness [] visit []

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