Fitness - It's All About You

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No matter how politically correct we'd like to be the fact is that obesity is becoming a huge problem, not just in this country, but all over the world. People tend to be quite lazy when it comes to our everyday lives, we usually choose the easiest and fastest way to do things. Unfortunately this includes eating and training as well.

Fortunately there are some very simple and easy things we can all start doing to bring an end to this epidemic and this doesn't mean we have to start training like we are aiming for the next Olympics. These are quite common sense things and very easy to implement.

Change - Who Wants That? It's So Hard...

Many times when we read about fitness and making healthy choices we see instructions that turn our lives upside down. We should join a health club, eat only certain foods and spend hours either working out or jogging. It's no wonder that people get frustrated and decide that no way they can change their lives so dramatically. And even if they try to do it, it gets too complicated and they get back to the old routine and after that it takes ages to even start thinking about changing even some small habits. It is a vicious cycle and there's a whole industry that keeps feeding this way of thinking to society.

When you really think about it, things doesn't have to change dramatically at all. The way to a better health is very simple; just eat a bit better, exercise just a bit more and in general make better choices in your lifestyle. All this won't change you overnight, but it all adds up and the change is certain over time. You can make it fun, economical and the end result is that you feel and look much better.

Do You Mean I Have To Start Eating Like A Rabbit?

This is a global question that usually men tend to ask. Simple answer is that no, you are not turning into a rabbit. You can and should enjoy the food you are eating. It is very important that eating is enjoyable as well as healthy. One thing that you need to do is eat less. Perhaps eat more often. That doesn't mean that you go to your frigde every few hours, but rather eat some light and healthy food bit more often and you won't feel so hungry all the time. This raises your metabolism and it helps you get over that hungry feeling.

Keep Drinking Enough Water

Water is very important to our bodies and you should drink around eight to ten glasses of water everyday. One trick you might want to try is drinking a glass of water before each meal as that will fill you up a bit and you won't feel so hungry.

To sum all up; eat smaller portions and bit more often and consume enough water and after a while you will feel better and start losing weight as well.

Do I Need To Start Exercising Like An Athlete?

No, but exercise is very important. However, it doesn't have to feel like a chore and a pain in the backside. Start implementing small things into your daily life; walk a little everyday and increase that amount over time. Skip the elevator and take the stairs. But not too much, just what feels right. Then increase the amount daily. Take evening walks with your friend or partner; it's great for your health and for your spirits as well.

Every little bit counts so don't underestimate small steps you are taking. After few weeks you will feel stronger. As you can see everything starts with one step. Eat a little better, move a bit more and everything starts to change. Yes, it will take time so don't expect miracles. That's only for infomercials and movie stars.

Small results keep your motivation up and after a while people will start wondering what has happened to you as you start looking and feeling better. Just keep going and don't give up!

Nick Southby has written articles for over 5 years on several sites and publications. Check his newest website at [] which assist people find the best golf putting mats [] and information they are looking for golf putting aids.


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